Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 4, 2009: Germans Rock

Not too much went down today. I went to the bakery with Julia at work, got home, had a three hour nap, put my laundry in, listened to some Dre and read some Pride and Prejudice. I guess that Dr. Dre and Jane Austin don’t go together that often . . . whateva I do what I want.

I want to take this opportunity to talk about the difference between working in Germany and Canada. Besides the language barrier being annoying (today I sat through an hour long meeting that I did not understand more then 15 words of) I find the general workplace etiquette here to be more my style. It seems that the ever present surely grease monkey stereotype that I have seen portrayed in Canadian factories and fabrication-shops is not the case in Germany. I walk around the factory and I am greeted with smiles, handshakes and broken English catch phrases from 90210. It seems that here everyone is happy to be working always and willing to stop what they’re doing to go out of their way to help you out. The amount of respect and lack of artificial niceties is very refreshing.

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